Writings in general linguistics Mikołaj Kruszewski edited with an introduction by Konrad Koerner

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science ; 1 | Amsterdam classics in linguistics ; 11Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam Philadelphia, Pennsylvania John Benjamins Publishing Company 1995Descripción: xl, 188 páginas ilustraciones 22 cmISBN:
  • 9027209774 (Europa)
  • 1556193157 (Estados Unidos)
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 410 K94 22
1. Editor's Foreword -- 2. Editor's Introduction -- 3. Mikolaj Kruszewski's Contribution to General Linguistics -- 4. Works by Mikolaj Kruszewski, 1876-1978 -- 5. Bibliography of Secondary Sources -- 6. Mikolaj Kruszewski: Writings in General Linguistics -- 7. I. On Sound Alternation (1881) (translated by Austerlitz, Robert) -- 8. Editor's Foreword -- 9. [Author's Preface -- 10. [0. Introductory Observations] -- 11. [1.] The First Category -- 12. [2.] The Second Category -- 13. [3.] The Third Category -- 14. [4. Conclusions from the Preceding Discussion] -- 15. [5. General Principles of Linguistic Research] -- 16. Table 1: [Divergency vs Correlation] -- 17. Table 2: [Phonetic vs Morphological Law] -- 18. Appendix: On 'Palatalization' and 'Dentalization' of the Old Slavic Postlinguals -- 19. II. An Outline of Linguistic Science (1883) (translated by Eramian, Gregory M.) -- 20. Translator's Foreword -- 21. List of Abbreviations -- 22. 0. Introduction -- 23. 1. The Most Basic Analysis of Speech; its Various Elements and their Nature -- 24. 2. The Sounds and their Laws -- 25. 3. The History of Sounds and Sound Complexes -- 26. 4. Concerning the Prevailing Views on Sound Laws -- 27. 5. Words -- 28. 6. The Delimitation of the Morphological Elements of the Word and their Nature -- 29. 7. Factors of a Destructive Nature -- 30. 8. History of the Morphological Elements of the Word -- 31. 9. The Synthesis of Morphological Elements into a Word and of Words into Language -- 32. 10. The History of Words -- 33. Works Cited by Kruszewski -- 34. Indexes -- 35. Index of Biographical Names -- 36. Index of Subjects and Terms -- 37. Index of Languages Cited for Examples -- 38. List of illustrations -- 39. Portrait of Mikolaj Kruszewski -- 40. The Habdank Coat of Arms -- 41. Title-page of Kruszewski's Uber die Lautabwechslung (Kazan, 1881) -- 42. Kruzewski and American Phonology (after Klausenburger 1978:117) -- 43. Table 1: [Divergency vs Correlation] -- 44. Table 2: [Phonetic vs Morphological Law] -- 45. Table 3: [The Palatalization Process of OCS Postlinguals] -- 46. Title-page of Kruszewski's O cerk nauki o jazyke (Kazan, 1883) -- 47. First page of the German translation of O cerk (Leipzig, 1884) -- 48. Last page of the German translation of O cerk (Leipzig, 1890)
Resumen: Este texto se refiere a la escritura en lingüística general. Cubre temas tales como: alteración del sonido; un bosquejo de la ciencia lingüística; y la historia de los sonidos y complejos de sonidos
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 410 K94 ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 500082644

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice

1. Editor's Foreword -- 2. Editor's Introduction -- 3. Mikolaj Kruszewski's Contribution to General Linguistics -- 4. Works by Mikolaj Kruszewski, 1876-1978 -- 5. Bibliography of Secondary Sources -- 6. Mikolaj Kruszewski: Writings in General Linguistics -- 7. I. On Sound Alternation (1881) (translated by Austerlitz, Robert) -- 8. Editor's Foreword -- 9. [Author's Preface -- 10. [0. Introductory Observations] -- 11. [1.] The First Category -- 12. [2.] The Second Category -- 13. [3.] The Third Category -- 14. [4. Conclusions from the Preceding Discussion] -- 15. [5. General Principles of Linguistic Research] -- 16. Table 1: [Divergency vs Correlation] -- 17. Table 2: [Phonetic vs Morphological Law] -- 18. Appendix: On 'Palatalization' and 'Dentalization' of the Old Slavic Postlinguals -- 19. II. An Outline of Linguistic Science (1883) (translated by Eramian, Gregory M.) -- 20. Translator's Foreword -- 21. List of Abbreviations -- 22. 0. Introduction -- 23. 1. The Most Basic Analysis of Speech; its Various Elements and their Nature -- 24. 2. The Sounds and their Laws -- 25. 3. The History of Sounds and Sound Complexes -- 26. 4. Concerning the Prevailing Views on Sound Laws -- 27. 5. Words -- 28. 6. The Delimitation of the Morphological Elements of the Word and their Nature -- 29. 7. Factors of a Destructive Nature -- 30. 8. History of the Morphological Elements of the Word -- 31. 9. The Synthesis of Morphological Elements into a Word and of Words into Language -- 32. 10. The History of Words -- 33. Works Cited by Kruszewski -- 34. Indexes -- 35. Index of Biographical Names -- 36. Index of Subjects and Terms -- 37. Index of Languages Cited for Examples -- 38. List of illustrations -- 39. Portrait of Mikolaj Kruszewski -- 40. The Habdank Coat of Arms -- 41. Title-page of Kruszewski's Uber die Lautabwechslung (Kazan, 1881) -- 42. Kruzewski and American Phonology (after Klausenburger 1978:117) -- 43. Table 1: [Divergency vs Correlation] -- 44. Table 2: [Phonetic vs Morphological Law] -- 45. Table 3: [The Palatalization Process of OCS Postlinguals] -- 46. Title-page of Kruszewski's O cerk nauki o jazyke (Kazan, 1883) -- 47. First page of the German translation of O cerk (Leipzig, 1884) -- 48. Last page of the German translation of O cerk (Leipzig, 1890)

Este texto se refiere a la escritura en lingüística general. Cubre temas tales como: alteración del sonido; un bosquejo de la ciencia lingüística; y la historia de los sonidos y complejos de sonidos

Lenguaje y lenguas


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