An introduction to second language acquisition research / Diane Larsen-Freeman and Michael H. Long

Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Applied linguistic and language studyDetalles de publicación: Essex (Reino Unido) : Longman, 1991Descripción: xvii, 398 páginas ; 22 cmISBN:
  • 9780582553774
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 21 418.007 L334i
Introduction. -- The place of second language in the world today. -- Why study second language acquisition?. -- Developent of the field of study of second langauge acquisition. -- The scope of second lanauge accquisition research. -- Socond langauge acquisition research methodology. -- Introduction. -- Qualitative versus versus quantitative methodogies. -- Introspection. -- Participant observation. -- Non-participant onservation. -- Focused description. -- Pre-experiment. -- Quasi-experiment. -- Experiment. -- Setting. -- Instrumentation: production data alicitation. -- Variability problem. -- Instrumentation: intuitional data elicitation. -- Instrumentation: use of miniature languages. -- Instrumentation: affective variables. -- Instruments from other disciplines. -- Measuring learner performance. -- Defining language proficiency. -- Defining an acquisition point. -- Task versus test. -- An index of development. -- Conclusion. -- SLA: Types of data analysis. -- Introduction: Contrastive analysis. -- Contrastative analysis. -- The contrastative analysis hypothesis. -- Language acqusition as habit formation. -- The CAH refuted. -- Error analysis. -- Strong versus weak versions of the CAH. -- Language acquisition as rule formation. -- Interlingual versus intralingual errors. -- Interlanguage. -- Error analysis criticized. -- Performance analysis. -- Morpheme studies. -- Developmental sequence. -- Learner sdtrategies. -- The acqusition of forms and functions. -- Formulaic utterances. -- Discourse analysis. -- Other applications of discourse analysis. Conclusion. --
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Notas Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Libros Sede Centro Colección General 418.007 L334i ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 500079170
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 418.007 L334i ej. 2 Disponible tmt10 500085531

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

Introduction. -- The place of second language in the world today. -- Why study second language acquisition?. -- Developent of the field of study of second langauge acquisition. -- The scope of second lanauge accquisition research. -- Socond langauge acquisition research methodology. -- Introduction. -- Qualitative versus versus quantitative methodogies. -- Introspection. -- Participant observation. -- Non-participant onservation. -- Focused description. -- Pre-experiment. -- Quasi-experiment. -- Experiment. -- Setting. -- Instrumentation: production data alicitation. -- Variability problem. -- Instrumentation: intuitional data elicitation. -- Instrumentation: use of miniature languages. -- Instrumentation: affective variables. -- Instruments from other disciplines. -- Measuring learner performance. -- Defining language proficiency. -- Defining an acquisition point. -- Task versus test. -- An index of development. -- Conclusion. -- SLA: Types of data analysis. -- Introduction: Contrastive analysis. -- Contrastative analysis. -- The contrastative analysis hypothesis. -- Language acqusition as habit formation. -- The CAH refuted. -- Error analysis. -- Strong versus weak versions of the CAH. -- Language acquisition as rule formation. -- Interlingual versus intralingual errors. -- Interlanguage. -- Error analysis criticized. -- Performance analysis. -- Morpheme studies. -- Developmental sequence. -- Learner sdtrategies. -- The acqusition of forms and functions. -- Formulaic utterances. -- Discourse analysis. -- Other applications of discourse analysis. Conclusion. --

Lenguaje y lenguas


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