Second language reasearch methods / Herbert W. Seliger and Elana Shonanny

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Oxford EnglishDetalles de publicación: Oxford (Reino Unido) : Oxford University Press, 1989Descripción: 270 páginas ; 22 cmISBN:
  • 0194370674
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 21 418.007 SE465s
What is reasearch?. -- Introduction. -- Research as a natural process. -- Scientific research and common sense. -- Finding answers: How do we knok something?. Basic, applied, and practical research. -- A paradigm fro second language research. -- Research and the phenomena of a second language. -- Four parameters for second language research. -- Parameter 1. Sybthetic and analytic approaches. -- Parameter 2: Heuristic and deductive objectives. -- Parameter 3: Control and manipulation of the research context. -- Parameter 4: Data and data collection. -- The preparatory stages of research. -- Where do research questions come from?. -- Phase 1: The general question. -- Phase 2: Focusing the question. -- Phase 3: Deciding on a objective or purpose. -- Phase 4: Formulating the research plan or the hypothesis. -- Contextualization of research. -- The what and why of contextualization. -- Locating the sources for the literature review. -- Reading the literature. -- Organizing and reporting the view of the literature. -- The components research. -- The need for a plan. -- The research plan and the type of research. -- Making predictions and controlling variables. -- Making the research more effective. -- Types of data and variables. -- Internal and external validity. -- Research desing: qualitative and descriptive research. -- Introduction. -- Qualitative research. -- Descriptive research. -- Multivariate and correlational research. -- Research desing: experimental research. -- Introduction. -- The major componenets of experimental research. - Single groups dsings. -- Desing using control groups. -- Factorial groups. -- Quasi-experimental desing. -- Separate sample desings. -- Data and data collection procedures. -- Introduction. - The data collection parameter. -- Description of data collectio procedures. -- Assuring the quality of the data and the data collection procedures. -- Using, adapting, and developing data collection procedures. -- Analizing the data. -- Data analysis and the desing of the study. -- Analyzing qualitative research data. -- Analyzing descriptive research data. -- Analyzing correlational research data. -- Analyzing multivariate research data. -- Analyzing experimental research data. -- Using the computer for data analysis. -- Putting it all together. -- Reporting, summarizing, and interpreting the results. -- Reporting research. -- Closing the research cycle?.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Notas Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Libros Sede Centro Colección General 418.007 SE465s ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 500079166

What is reasearch?. -- Introduction. -- Research as a natural process. -- Scientific research and common sense. -- Finding answers: How do we knok something?. Basic, applied, and practical research. -- A paradigm fro second language research. -- Research and the phenomena of a second language. -- Four parameters for second language research. -- Parameter 1. Sybthetic and analytic approaches. -- Parameter 2: Heuristic and deductive objectives. -- Parameter 3: Control and manipulation of the research context. -- Parameter 4: Data and data collection. -- The preparatory stages of research. -- Where do research questions come from?. -- Phase 1: The general question. -- Phase 2: Focusing the question. -- Phase 3: Deciding on a objective or purpose. -- Phase 4: Formulating the research plan or the hypothesis. -- Contextualization of research. -- The what and why of contextualization. -- Locating the sources for the literature review. -- Reading the literature. -- Organizing and reporting the view of the literature. -- The components research. -- The need for a plan. -- The research plan and the type of research. -- Making predictions and controlling variables. -- Making the research more effective. -- Types of data and variables. -- Internal and external validity. -- Research desing: qualitative and descriptive research. -- Introduction. -- Qualitative research. -- Descriptive research. -- Multivariate and correlational research. -- Research desing: experimental research. -- Introduction. -- The major componenets of experimental research. - Single groups dsings. -- Desing using control groups. -- Factorial groups. -- Quasi-experimental desing. -- Separate sample desings. -- Data and data collection procedures. -- Introduction. - The data collection parameter. -- Description of data collectio procedures. -- Assuring the quality of the data and the data collection procedures. -- Using, adapting, and developing data collection procedures. -- Analizing the data. -- Data analysis and the desing of the study. -- Analyzing qualitative research data. -- Analyzing descriptive research data. -- Analyzing correlational research data. -- Analyzing multivariate research data. -- Analyzing experimental research data. -- Using the computer for data analysis. -- Putting it all together. -- Reporting, summarizing, and interpreting the results. -- Reporting research. -- Closing the research cycle?.

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