Electronic discourse in language learning and language teaching edited by Lee B. Abraham, Lawrence Williams - Amsterdam Filadelfia John Benjamins 2009 - x, 346 páginas 24 cm - Language learning & language teaching 25 . - Language learning and language teaching 25 .

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.

Introduction: Analyzing and exploring electronic discourse / Lee B. Abraham and Lawrence Williams. -- Part I. New literacies. -- English in cyberspace: Negotiating digital literacies in a climate of educational accountability / Heather Lotherington, Deanna Neville-Verardi and Natalia Sinitskaya Ronda. -- Navigating and interpreting hypertext in French: New literacies and new challenges / Lawrence Williams. -- Web-based translation for promoting language awareness: Evidence from Spanish / Lee B. Abraham. -- Part II. 
Chat. -- Learner noticing, negative feedback, and uptake in synchronous computer-mediated environments / Susana M. Sotillo. -- Teaching language variation in French through authentic chat discourse / Rémi A. van Compernolle and Isabelle Pierozak. -- Exploring native and nonnative interactive discourse in text-based chat beyond classroom settings / Lina Lee. -- Part III. 
Podcasts. -- Podcasts and second language learning: Promoting listening comprehension and intercultural competence / Kara McBride. -- Discourse analysis of podcasts in French: Implications for foreign language listening development / Janel Pettes Guikema. -- Part IV. 
Blogs. -- Interactional and discursive features of English-language weblogs for language learning and teaching / Rémi A. van Compernolle and Lee B. Abraham. -- Second-person pronoun use in French-language blogs: Developing L2 sociopragmatic competence / Kate Douglass. -- Blogs in Spanish beyond the classroom: Sociocultural opportunities for second language development / Eduardo Negueruela-Azarola. -- Part V. 
Discussion forums. -- Linguistic and social dimensions of French-language discussion forums / Géraldine Blattner and Lawrence Williams. -- The discussion forum as a locus for developing L2 pragmatic awareness / Kathleen Farrell Whitworth. -- The discussion forum as a component of a technology-enhanced Integrated Performance Assessment / Lee B. Abraham and Lawrence Williams.

9789027213006 9789027219886

Lenguaje y lenguas--Estudio y enseñanza--Recursos electrónicos
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza asitida por computadores
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje
Interacción hombre-computador
Análisis del discurso

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