Contemporary theories of learning learningg theorists ... in their own words edited by Knud Illeris - New York Rougtledge 2009 - viii, 235 p. il. 24 cm.

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

A comprehensive understanding of human learning / Knud Illeris. -- Learning to be a person in society : learning to be me / Peter Jarvis. -- What "form" transforms? : a constructive-developmental approach to transformative learning / Robert Kegan. -- Expansive learning : toward an activity-theoretical reconceptualization / Yrjö Engeström -- Pragmatism : a learning theory for the future / Bente Elkjaer. -- An overview on transformative learning / Jack Mezirow. -- Multiple approaches to understanding / Howard Gardner. -- Biographical learning within the new lifelong learning discourse / Peter Alheit. -- Life cycles and learning cycles / John Heron. -- Lifelong learning as a tecnology of the self / Mark Tennant. -- Culture, mind, and education / Jerome Bruner -- Experience, pedagogy, and social practices / Robin Usher. -- "Normal learning problems" in youth in the context of underlying cultural convictions / Thomas Ziehe. -- The practice of learning / Jean Lave. -- A social theory of learning / Etienne Wenger. -- Transitional learning and reflexive facilitation : the case of learning for work / Danny Wildemeersch and Veerle Stroobants.


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