Explicit learning in the L2 classroom :
Explicit learning in the L2 classroom : a student-centered approach / Ronald P. Leow - Nueva York : Routledge, 2015 - xvii, 281 páginas ; 23 cm. - Second Language Acquisition Research Series .
Introduction, or strolling down memory lane: raising your awareness. -- Theoretical foundation. -- A preliminary theoretical framework for the L2 learning process in SLA. -- Theoretical foundations for the role of attention in learning from non-SLA fields. -- Theoretical foundations for the role of awareness in learning from non-SLA fields. -- Theoretical foundation for the roles of attention and awareness in L2 learning in SLA. -- Research methodology. -- Methodological issues in research on the relationships between attention, awareness, and L2 earning in SLA. -- Deconstructing the construct of learning. -- Location, location, location: probing inside the box. -- Empirical research investigating the role of attention / noticing in L2 develpment. -- Your attention, please. -- Learning explicity or implicity: that is the question. -- Depth of processing in L2 processing. -- Model building. -- Toward a model of the L2 learning process in instructed SLA. -- Pedagogy. -- Toward the development of psycholinguistic-based e-tutors. -- Conclusion: the changing L2 classroom, and where do we go from here?.
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje
418.0071 / L589e